Quick hitters
Email: jpilla9 [at] illinois [dot] edu
CV: Link (last updated 11/17/2022)
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaydeep-pillai/
Pronouns: he/him
Last known location: Graduate student at the University of Washington.
Jay is an undegraduate student in the Department of Physics at the University of Illinois, and has been a member of CDDS@UIUC since fall 2020. He is working on two projects: one on a conceptual model for the dynamics of marine stratocumulus clouds, and another on arctic amplification. Jay has earned a variety of scholarships as an undergraduate, including the prestigious Ernest F. Hollings Scholarship and the William M. Lapenta Scholarship (declined in favor of the Hollings).
He started working on marine stratocumulus clouds during the summer of 2021 with Prof. David Randall at the Colordo State University summer REU program. The goal of this work is to develop a model which captures the response of marine stratocumulus clouds to different radiative forcings. Jay is also working to understand the wide disparity in arctic inversion strengths across models in the CMIP6 family with Prof. Nadir Jeevanjee.
Jay grew up in the south suburbs of Chicago. He tutors students in the College of Engineering at UIUC. He also plans outreach events focusing on education and promoting diversity with STEM. In his spare time, he loves playing volleyball and guitar, hiking, and the great outdoors.
Featured work
Pallai, Needham, Branson, and Randall. A conceptual model for tropical and substropical interactions. CLIVAR Pattern Effect Workshop, Boulder, CO, 2022. Link to poster.
Pallai, Needham, Branson, and Randall. A simple model for tropical and substropical interactions. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2021. (Poster)