Exploratory projects

At CDDS @ UIUC, we’re always looking for new, exciting areas of research to explore.

Photovoltaic cell projections.

Group members involved

Philip Chmielowiec, Joseph Abi Karam

Research Topics

Scientific visualization

Project Raijin was awarded by NSF EarthCube in order to develop community-owned, sustainable, scalable tools for data analysis and visualization that can operate on unstructured (i.e. not regular lat/lon grids) climate and global weather data at global storm resolving resolutions. The development of Project Raijin leverages the Scientific Python Ecosystem (SPE), particularly the open development Xarray and Dask packages, and the Pangeo community. Our work is conducted under an open development model that encourages participation of the community in all aspects of the project’s development. As a result of this, the brand new Python package, UXarray, has been created.

Highlighted work

Coming soon, hopefully.

Funding sources

Coming soon, hopefully.