Joseph Abi Karam

Quick hitters

Email: jja7 [at] illinois [dot] edu

CV: Link (last updated 3/22/2024)


Pronouns: he/him


oseph is an undergraduate student in the Grainger College of Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign. He joined CDDS@UIUC in spring 2022, where he learnt the fundamentals of Python. Joseph is now working on a project at the intersection of renewable energy and climate science. He is interested in addressing climate change issues by getting into the renewable energy sector later on in his career. He personalized his own Environmental Engineering degree by taking classes that will help him reach his very specific career goals. He is also pursuing a minor in Atmospheric Sciences, which covers topics he was passionate about since his early childhood.

Joseph grew up in Lebanon, a tiny and very diverse country in the Middle East. He speaks three languages fluently: French, Arabic, and English. In his spare time, Joseph enjoys the outdoors and really loves mountain sports such as biking, rock climbing, hiking and most importantly skiing. He has also played piano since he was 6 years old.

Coming soon! :)